A strange request


Advanced Member
Well fingers crossed I'll be picking my 2nd DC5 up on Monday after approximately 9 years without one
I've been sorting my garage ready to take it by being ruthless in throwing junk out I've accumulated over the years
My visa Gti has been pushed to the back of the garage and a rearrangement of the shelving units looks like the garage might be able to take the new member of the family
Last time I bought one, I brought it home, put it in the garage with no problem, went to get out and couldn't open the door due to the work bench being in the way 😁
The garage is in a different layout now and to avoid the same error I'm after the a measurement if anyone would be so King or happen to know it from the rear bumper to the door gap between the door and rear wing, this'll make sure the bench is far enough back this time so I can get out, or the saw will have to come out
Hope this makes sense 😂👍
If anyone has or is able to get this measurement I'll be greatly appreciative


Advanced Member
Lucky for you I had a tape measure and a DC5 handy.

Rear door shut to rear bumper I'd say 165cm. ;)


Advanced Member
Ough! So close... it'll be worth losing the 6".

Any time, happy to help. :)