KPRO. Getting old ECU Kal file and new Kmanager to work?


Advanced Member
Right basically I wanted to do some datalogs on the car. When I try to do this the error message I get from the ECU is that the ECU calibration file is an older version to the Kmanager software I am running on my computer. Now I've got the .KAL file saved on my comp so reading around this issue on here, I thought job done, load .kal using up to date Kmanager, save as new file, download to ECU and all should be fine? Is this the case - it no worky for me.

Can anyone help?


Advanced Member
So, you cannot download the current map from the ECU to you version of KManager but you can read your saved .kal file? You could just copy each table (fuel, ignition) for each cam angle into the clipboard and past it on to a supplied .kal that came with the version you Kmanager. Once done, upload back into the ECU. Make sure your VTEC window and other settings are the same though.


Advanced Member
Try opening old calibration in up to date kmanager. Save the file. Clear Security once hooked up to Kpro( this makes sure the old map is cleared and leaves nothing behind on Kpro and then once that is done then try and upload the map using the up to date kmanager.
Or u could do what Jonster says if it doesn't work.