Mafia 3.


Advanced Member
Hi all.

Wish I hadn't pre ordered the above. It's practically unplayable. My PC has decent specs and all my other games roar along with some high settings.

Mafia 3 is buggy and slow and the scenery and the clarity is no where near some of the older games.

It does not like the steam controller stuttering about like a broken winded hoss.

I tried to get a refund from Steam, but they said no because I'd played it for nine hours.

Truth be known I hadn't played it as it should have been played for nine hours. I was spending those nine hours trying to get it to play at a decent pace.

Don't buy it until they've patched it and hopefully sorted some major issues with it.

Regards. Granty.


Advanced Member
Wish I could get a refund for Gears of War, bloody awful game. But CD Keys don't generally do refunds.

Good shout on Mafia 3, had thought about buying it but won't bother.

Will stick to Horizon 3, even though loads of folks report issues, it runs like a dream on my rig.


Advanced Member
I got it for the xbox one & is a great addictive game but my mate bought it for his gaming PC which cost £3000 & even that wont play it! apparently they are still trying to fix it but shocking they even released it!!


Advanced Member
Most UWP platform games (and general console ports) are having massive issues. The days of PC gaming and getting a better experience than on consoles are largely gone except for PC only releases or ones where the devs actually invest in PC games properly.


Advanced Member
I'm loving it on xbox too. In fairness though, graphically it does struggle with draw distance too.

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Active Member
got mafia on PS4 not really enjoying it, story is great but gameplay is pretty standard

mostly just on horizon on xbox having a blast if anyone is on that add me sh3lldon


Advanced Member
Johngreen537 said:
I'm loving it on xbox too. In fairness though, graphically it does struggle with draw distance too.

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Uttoxeter likes to dash board me at times too mafia. Weirdly seemed to do it when I did something against the objective. Ie when you end up saving that Olivia Marland character. I tried to shoot her but took me back to dashboard.


Advanced Member
It's crashed a few times but not much really.

Most annoying bug is the loss of sound in instant on mode after resume.

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Advanced Member
Hi all.

Mafia 3 getting a lot better. Downloaded today's updated Nvidia drivers and some additional controller drivers and bingo this game is running better than it was. The scenery was initially washed out but all of a sudden its now a lot sharper. Some of the buildings look pretty good.

Iv'e got my steam controller working better and it's not stuttering around like it was earlier.

There's still some bugs. Pedestrians set off to walk over crossings and then for no reason stop in the road. Then cars start to bunch up blocking junctions causing you to take some other route. Iv'e just tried waiting until the cops have gone and then push a couple of cars out of the way. They don't like it and sound their horns, but what the hell I'm part of the Mafia, don't sound your horn at me, punk. LOL.

I'm feeling a lot better about this game.

Regards Granty.


Advanced Member

Strange happenings. Got a resupply of ammunition from a vendor. He then drove off, collided with an air conditioning unit that just happened to be there in the entrance. Prior to that I had passed this aircon thingy and there was steam coming out it while it was stood on the ground.

Not what you might expect from a game costing forty quid but it gives out a few laughs now and then.


PS. Was hoping to get a screen shot of it but it didn't work.