New DC5 Owner - What do these do (Picture game)


Active Member
what does this little round button by mirrors do?

Fold mirrors in and out? If so does the ignition or engine have to be on etc... (Im sure Ive tried all combinations and mine dont work)

Any idea what this after market box does? Jap camera jammer?

I also have what looks like a GPS arieal on my dash (little square lump)

Any ideas would be great


Advanced Member
First button should fold in your mirrors when your ignition is on.

Guessing the second box is some sort of box used for paying tolls automatically (going off what's written on it!)


Advanced Member
Yeah that box is a toll payment system. There's a card you put in to pay for the toll roads in Japan had one in the last DC5 I had imported. Completely useless over here :)

As bennn said, mirrors should fold in (and then back out) when the ignition is on.


Active Member
So thats what the GPS thing on dash by windscreen is then I bet! That can come off then! It talks to me in Japeneese too!