Polymer guard III


Advanced Member
Can anyone tell me about Polymer guard III ?

I have a sticker on the rear window that has this written on it, but have a debate with someone if it is strictly a window covering, or does this extend to bodywork to protect from stone chips?

Your opinions are apprecieted.



Advanced Member
I have a sticker on the back window about something tell you you don't need to wax it. Other than that nothing that sounds like what you describe.


Advanced Member
i have a sticker that says its got a 5 year 'no waxing' seal ... the car it nearly 5 years old but I don't know when it was applied....

googled 'Polymer guard III car' and found this.....

http://www.driwash.com.au/website/Compa ... _works.php
http://www.nowatervaleting.co.uk/waterl ... ple-uk.htm

The Technical Blurb

No-Water Valeting uses and supplies Dri Wash 'n Guard® Waterless Car Wash, it contains only the highest quality polymer wax product in the marketplace today, specifically designed for the ultimate in protection, durability, longevity, and shine. Truly a dry cleaning for cars!

The no water car wash product is a top quality polymer car wax, cleaner, and finishing product all-in-one. It contains no less than fifty different ingredients, with a particular active ingredient called Poly Guard-3™, containing extensive cross-linked polymers.

Hang in there now we're going to get technical! Because of the high number of these cross-linked polymers, it is an extremely effective vehicle wax. The product contains a complex mixture of cleaning elements along with the wax ingredients.

With proper application, which is a very simple process, it literally lifts dirt from the vehicle by emulsification then surrounds and coats the dirt molecules, lifting them from the paint surface. Imagine a jellybean, the coating being the emulsification and the centre being the dirt safely encased. At the same time, the application process initiates the cross chain polymer linking process that results in an extremely shiny, highly protective glossy finish. All this happens very rapidly due to the balance of ingredients within the product itself. The application process does not involve high pressure or extensive rubbing, or "soaking with a high volume of product"


Advanced Member
:D Cheers - You found more than I did when I googled it. I have contacted the company for more details. I'll let you know what they come back with if they bother to reply.

Anyone having this sticker on their car, having problems with getting a good shine on their car?