Hi All, thanks for the offers of help, its massively appreciated. My aim when I took over the forum from Andre some years ago and his aim was to always keep the forum free for the car owners so i've been working hard to make that happen ever since, unfortunately im not a super techy computer dude so relied on the awesome support of the other two amazing admins but it did mean I didn't spend as much time as I would have liked ironing out the little bumps and keeping up with the latest versions.
So some news- I think we may have a long term solution which im working on with a new potential owner which is looking promising, whilst they are a commercial enterprise ( DC5 related and known to many of you ) they have the forum integrity as the highest priority , so hopefully it will remain as a useful resource and get some updates along with a new facebook page ( ITR-DC5.club) or integration to a an existing page if the page owners are game.
I will bring you an update as soon as I have one .
All I would ask is you keep being responsible forum users and don't let it turn into CTRO